
We invite you to stay up-to-date with the latest news and views from our CEO, Lizz Reay.
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Jan 22 2025

Have Your Say in Our Suicide Prevention Training Survey

Suicidal distress is a human response to overwhelming suffering, and we all can provide immediate help to people who are in suicidal distress. In 2020-2022, one in 6 Australians between the ages of 16 to 85 had experienced serious thoughts about taking their own life at some point in their lives, and the same research also shows approximately 150 people in Australia attempt to take their own life each day.

Tragically, suicide rates across the Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Lithgow and Penrith areas are higher than average. It is often the case that words or actions indicating suicidal distress are missed, but suicide prevention training and education programs can assist people to identify the signs and respond compassionately. We are seeking community feedback via a survey on what types of Suicide Prevention Training is needed in the community in 2025.

The factors contributing to suicide are complex and not always related to mental illness. I think people would be surprised to learn that recent data shows around a quarter of Australians who reported having suicidal thoughts or behaviours in the past 12 months had no symptoms of a mental disorder or had never met diagnostic criteria for a mental disorder.

Research also indicates that a third of Australians aged 16 to 85 years report that they were close to someone who died by suicide or have attempted to take their own life. This means that if you haven’t been directly impacted or affected by suicide, you probably know someone who has.

We want to ensure that the training we offer continues to be relevant, accessible and effective for those who need it most. Whether you are a parent, teacher, student, volunteer, worker, or find yourself supporting people in distress in any other way, we want to hear from you.

I encourage people in our community to take the survey, which will take no more than 5 minutes to complete, by Friday 28 February to assist us in our planning. Participants may remain anonymous, though those who choose to provide contact details will receive information about training opportunities that result from the survey.

If the content of this article has brought up strong emotions for you and you would like to seek support, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or reach out to one of the services listed on our website.

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Lizz Reay is the CEO of Wentworth Healthcare, provider of the Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network. Previously Deputy CEO of Nepean Blue Mountains Medicare Local & Nepean Division of General Practice, she has an extensive background in public health.

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