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Receiving updates from us

We regularly provide updates regarding our services and programs to our key stakeholders. If you would like to receive our updates, complete our email sign up form below.

If you work at a local general practice or allied health practice (private practice) you will be added to our healthcare professionals email list and will receive weekly updates, health news, service updates, important health program information and upcoming educational events.

Community members, If you are not a local primary healthcare professional, we will add you to our stakeholder and community email list. We send our stakeholders updates regarding our services every few months.

If you work for a media organisation, we will add you to our media release distribution list.

You can also keep track of our updates, including news we provide to GPs, general practice and allied health professionals, by following us on: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | X 

(We encourage a direct email address, rather than a generic/'reception' based email wherever possible)
Alternative: subscribing for Connected Community

In submitting this, you are agreeing to receive email updates from NBMPHN. You may unsubscribe at any time. View our privacy policy for more information.