Hawkesbury Remakery

The Remakery, which opened in October 2019 and found a home at Loder House in Windsor, now has 8 volunteers, weekly workshops and welcomes a variety of people through its doors. From regular, experienced makers, to people who aren’t necessarily naturally creative but are interested in trying something new.

Project Lead, Liz Germani, said “The most interesting people are the people who come in here for some reason, to bring a donation or drop something off and then they keep coming back."

Through the grant, the Remakery has extended its services with a ‘Makers in Residence’ program, a Repair Café and an in-house and outreach ‘C.L.A.S.S: Creative Lifestyle and Sustainability Skills’ project.

“We recognised that not all residents can access our Windsor location and developed this outreach program to help create activity in other locations within the Hawkesbury. Hopefully this can expand to local markets and sales opportunities in the Colo area too,” said Liz.

Up-skilling and capacity building volunteers has also been a focus, with Mental Health First Aid Training being offered to increase their capacity to support members of the community who may be struggling.