Advertising Healthcare Positions
Nepean Blue Mountains PHN is happy to assist local clinics and healthcare services in advertising relevant positions vacant in our region (Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Lithgow and Penrith LGAs) on the NBMPHN website.
In order for a request to advertise a position vacant to be accepted, it must be submitted using the form below, ideally at least one week in advance of the start of the listing.
Unless otherwise arranged, the period of time job advertisements will be displayed on the website are:
- Advertisements for GP positions: up to 6 months or until the next business day after closing date (if provided).
- Advertisements for Practice staff / Allied Health Professionals: up to 1 month or until the next business day after closing date (if provided)
Should a position be filled prior to the scheduled listing end date, please notify NBMPHN to ensure the job notice can be appropriately removed.
Job Advertisement Request Form