Suicide Prevention Day Resources 2024

Today, 10 September, is World Suicide Prevention Day. In Australia, suicide is the leading cause of death for anyone under the age of 44 years. Exposure to suicide in Australia is common, with 58% of the population reporting they know someone who has died by suicide. Research also indicates that 135 people are affected by each suicide death, with 10 or more significantly impacted.

This event is an opportunity to promote both suicide prevention and postvention support to those who may be struggling. Suicide prevention and support after suicide encompasses health promotion, early intervention, crisis intervention, ongoing and aftercare support for people experiencing suicidal thoughts, as well as bereavement support for families, friends and communities impacted by suicide. 


  • More than 720,000 people die by suicide worldwide each year, making suicide among the most prominent international health issues.
  • Suicide is the leading cause of deaths among Australians aged between 15 and 44 years.
  • Females make more suicide attempts than men, however more men die by suicide.
  • Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities experience a significantly higher suicide rate.
  • The LGBTQIA+ community have significantly higher rates of attempted suicide.
Beyond the statistics, suicide leaves profound emotional, social and economic impacts for families, friends and communities. 

Prevention Support

Safe Haven

Safe Haven is a service that provides a safe alternative to the emergency department for individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts or distress. Safe Haven, together with Head to Health, provide a community driven space for people seeking immediate mental health support to receive compassionate and responsive assistance in a place where people can sit, talk, and reflect. No appointment or referral is required.

Safe Haven is located within the Penrith Head to Health Centre, 111 Henry St, Penrith. The centre is open seven days a week, 1:00pm - 9:30pm Monday, Wednesday - Sunday (including public holidays), and 1:00pm - 5:00pm Tuesday.

TouchPoints Suicide Prevention Training Workshops

Roses in the Ocean is Australia's national lived experience of suicide organisation, which facilitates capacity building workshops for community and organisations to attain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the complexity of suicide. TouchPoints is a four-hour workshop coming soon to the Nepean Blue Mountains region, and is designed specifically to give community members an insight into suicide through the lens of lived experience, and equip people with the confidence, knowledge and practical tools to reduce others’ emotional pain. Visit Roses in the Ocean for workshop dates and more information.

Peer CARE Companion Warmline

Roses in the Ocean’s suicide prevention call-back service provides a safe place for people with a lived experience of suicide to connect with others with a similar lived experience for a chat, in a shared space of compassion, understanding and respect. Call 1800 777 337 and leave a message, and a Peer CARE Companion will connect with you within 48 hours.

Hawkesbury Wellness Awareness Suicide Prevention Day 

The Hope4u Foundation, in collaboration with local community service providers, hosted an event at Richmond Oval on Saturday, 7 September to raise awareness about suicide and the local support available in the Hawkesbury. We attended to talk about how we support local suicide prevention initiatives and the role of primary healthcare in preventing suicide.

Postvention Support

Support for People Bereaved by Suicide

StandBy is Australia’s leading suicide postvention program dedicated to assisting people and communities bereaved or impacted by suicide. For telephone support or to arrange face to face support, contact Standby on 1300 727 247 between 6:00am and 10:00pm, 7 days a week. StandBy also offer resources for responding to a suicide in your community. For further advice on how to refer to this service, GPs can email Saba Razaghi, Regional Coordinator Nepean Blue Mountains and Western Sydney. 

Support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

Thirrili Ltd is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to contribute to the broader social wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by offering emotional and practical support to families impacted by loss from suicide or other fatal traumatic incidents. Call the 24/7 Thirrili telephone line on 1800 805 801 to speak with a Postvention Advocate and access culturally appropriate bereavement support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Visit Thirrilli for more information.

Free Postvention Webinars in Responding to Suicide in the Community

GPs play a vital role in responding to suicide in a community after a single event and over time. The headspace National GP Program has collaborated with academic, clinical, and lived experience subject matter experts to co-design this series of three webinars for GPs, available at no cost on demand. The modules will place you in the driver's seat with a presenting issue at hand, framing best practice approaches to respond to bereavement by suicide, postvention in the context of crisis preparedness, and supporting family, young people and community over time. 

Communicating with Young People About Suicide for General Practitioners

Young people in our region are likely to under disclose suicidal ideation to support agencies or medical professionals. It is viewed that only a small proportion (e.g. 5-10%) of young people who may be at risk of suicide seek out support from agencies. Orygen offer best practice guidance for youth suicide prevention in primary care via a free online module. GPs can learn more and hear from a young person who speaks candidly about her lived experience of suicide, sharing what she found helpful and unhelpful during her interactions with a GP. Access and complete the module by creating a free Orygen LMS account.