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Jun 30 2023

Have Your Say in the GP Workforce Planning and Prioritisation Survey

Over time, we have seen a reduced number of registrar placements in our region. This has been due to less medical graduates entering Australian General Practice Training Programs (AGPTP). GP Workforce Planning and Prioritisation (GP WPP) consortiums have been established by the Commonwealth Government to combat workforce issues and provide advice on workforce needs and training capacity across Australia. Capital Health Network (ACT’s PHN) is leading the NSW and ACT GP WPP consortium, which is funded until the end of 2025.

The key role of GP WPP consortiums is to analyse and provide evidence-based recommendations to the Department of Health and Aged Care that will guide RACGP and ACRRM in their decision-making regarding the future allocation and placement of GP registrars to meet the community's GP workforce needs. To help inform these recommendations, we are encouraging GPs, GP supervisors, GP registrars, practice nurses and practice managers to have their say by completing the GP WPP Survey.

Our region is unique as we have both peri-urban and rural areas, which pose different challenges in terms of the health workforce. The development of the Aerotropolis and expected population growth may put further pressure on health services. Whilst in our more rural areas, attracting new doctors can be challenging due to location. The ageing population in our region also poses significant workforce issues as there is an insufficient number of GPs to replace them as part of the succession planning process.

The GP WPP survey provides a platform for GPs to express their local insights and knowledge of the unique challenges faced in our region to assist joint local planning, foster regional community buy-in and ensure local needs are reflected in GP WPP advice.

The survey closes on Sunday, 30 July 2023. Read the PHN Supporting Australian General Practice Program Reform to learn more about the GP WPP program, including FAQs.

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Lizz Reay is the CEO of Wentworth Healthcare, provider of the Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network. Previously Deputy CEO of Nepean Blue Mountains Medicare Local & Nepean Division of General Practice, she has an extensive background in public health.

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