Sometimes, you may know that you need help or support but you don't know where to start. When you are feeling down, stressed or anxious reaching out can often feel overwhelming.
When you call the free Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) Phoneline on 1800 595 212 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am-5:00pm (except public holidays) you speak to a trained mental health professional from our region, who will take the time to listen and understand your needs and guide you on your journey to find the right mental health support. This may include referring you to existing services in our region or referring you to see a clinician through Hawkesbury Medicare Mental Health Centre or the Penrith Medicare Mental Health Centre (both services offer telehealth and face-to-face appointments). Any referral made is done in a way that means you don't have to repeat your story multiple times, which we know for people seeking help can cause more distress.
Visit the Medicare Mental Health website to access mental health resources online.
This is not a crisis service. If you need immediate help or are at risk of harm to yourself or others call 000 now.