Medicare Mental Health (Head to Health) Phone Service

Patients can call 1800 595 212 Monday to Friday, 8.30am-5:00pm (except public holidays) to speak to a trained mental health professional from our region, who will take the time to listen and understand their needs and guide them on their journey to find the right mental health support. This may include referring them to existing services in our region or to see a clinician through the Hawkesbury Medicare Mental Health Centre or Penrith Medicare Mental Health Centre (both services offer telehealth and face-to-face appointments). Any referral made is a warm referral, and means the person does not have to repeat their story multiple times.

GPs can also call 1800 595 212 to seek advice about what mental health services are available in our region or to refer a patient. 

This is not a crisis or psychiatry service. Psychiatry services must still be accessed directly through service providers with appropriate referrals.