Sharing & Learning Circles
Nepean-Blue Mountains Medicare Local (NBMML) coordinated Aboriginal Sharing & Learning Circles within our local community. These 'Circles' were held to work with our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities to gain insights into their health needs and establish health priorities specific to each of the four Local Government Areas that sit within the NBMPHN region.
Without the engagement, participation and commitment of the Aboriginal community locally, as well as the broader community and local service providers, these Circles would not have been possible. We thank everyone who was so willing to be a part of this process.
Reports have been compiled from the Circles held in each LGA. It is important to acknowledge the collaboration that took place between Nepean-Blue Mountains Medicare Local, Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District (the two lead agencies), the Blue Mountains Aboriginal Health Coalition and Hawkesbury District Health Service to enable these reports to be produced.
Sharing & Learning Circle Reports
You can view the Sharing and Learning Circle Summary Report (pdf, 3.3mb), which summarises the outcomes from the reports produced across our four LGAs.
You can also view the individual LGA reports below.
Blue Mountains 'Tracking the Circle' Report
With the assistance of the Blue Mountains Aboriginal Health Coalition, Sharing & Learning Circles have been run periodically since 2008. This report tracks the progress that has been made through to the latest Sharing & Learning Circles held in 2014.
Read the full Blue Mountains 'Tracking the Circle' report (pdf, 1.3mb)
Hawkesbury Sharing & Learning Circle Report
NBMML and NBMLHD, in conjunction with the Hawkesbury District Health Service, produced this report spanning 2010 to 2014.
Read the full Hawkesbury Sharing & Learning Circle report (pdf, 1.4mb)
Lithgow Sharing & Learning Circle Report 
NBMML and NBMLHD produced this report spanning 2010 to 2014.
Read the full Lithgow Sharing & Learning Circle report (pdf, 1.8mb)
Penrith Sharing & Learning Circle Report 
NBMML and NBMLHD produced this report spanning 2010 to 2014.
Read the full Penrith Sharing & Learning Circle report (pdf, 1.5mb)