Trybal Productions

Trybal Productions incorporated the lived experience of community members through spoken word, art, poetry and music.

The process included story collecting and storytelling with participants who also completed workshops in performance, music and writing. A mental health worker was involved from start to finish to support participants through their journey.  

The final performance, titled ‘Garden of the Mind’ was held at the Lithgow State Mine and was a huge success with all available tickets selling out days before the event.

“For the participants, those that shared their stories and worked on the material with a creative supportive group, their confidence increased and they had a great deal of ownership and pride in what they achieved,” said Project Lead, James Daley.

There was an after show gathering where guests could mingle with participants, which allowed the opportunity for community connection and further discussions around mental health. 

"The level of involvement and ownership of the project is something we hoped for but have been humbled by, the community threw themselves behind this project in a big way," said James.  

Highlights from the project overall included the relationships built throughout, sharing of personal stories, validation of personal performances, an incredible successful final show, the joy and sense of achievement shared with art crew, health workers and participants and the fact that health services were seen in a new, positive light.