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Capacity Tracker

Capacity Tracker is a free online tool to support continuity of care in general practice, Aboriginal medical services and Residential Aged Care Facilities. Capacity Tracker allows providers to alert us to current or potential issues impacting services and assist the PHN in addressing these issues promptly. Providers can use the tool to identify issues early and better manage workforce and service capacity issues, as well as assist in emergency response situations such as bushfires, floods, and the COVID-19 pandemic. 


  • Easy to use - providers can instantly update practice status, workforce, and opening hours all through the web-based application that can be accessed on any device.
  • Assist in the management of COVID-19 vaccines
  • Support teams with identifying, monitoring, and mitigating risks at their practice
  • Assist to fulfil accreditation requirements such as management of crisis, emergency and disaster, business operation system and infection, prevention, and control.
  • Dedicated resource centre – the tool provides users with easy access to centralised clinical and business support information
  • Efficient and easy way to alert NBMPHN for support

How does it work?

Capacity Tracker allows providers to contribute current updates on the status of their appointments, vaccines, workforce, and COVID-19 impacts through the online portal. The portal can be accessed any time from any internet-connected device. The tool is fast, secure, and completely free. Users are encouraged to maintain their data by logging-in to Capacity Tracker weekly, or as required, to provide updates and raise alerts. We can then use this information to provide more focused support to your practice and can easily see where any issues may be occurring. 

Find out more about setting up and registering your practice for Capacity Tracker. 

Success Stories

  • Redistribution of excess COVID-19 vaccine stock at on practice to another practice that was low in stock. As stated by the practice - "the platform was easy to use",  was a "prompt way to gain support from the Practice Support Team" and gave them "peace of mind that (their) excess vials were not going to go to waste".
  • Capacity Tracker was a prompt way to communicate with the PHN to advise of unexpected change to our workforce and opening hours during the 2022 Hawkesbury floods.

Register for Capacity Tracker online, or contact the Primary are Engagement team for further assistance.