In This Section

Bushfire Response

Keep up-to-date with disaster situations

If you are in an affected bushfire area please listen to the instructions provided by emergency services personnel. 

Hawkesbury City Council
Lithgow City Council
Blue Mountains City Council
Penrith City Council

RFS Local Government Area Facebook Pages

RFS Blue Mountains District
NSW RFS Hawkesbury District
RFS Chifley/Lithgow
RFS Cumberland Zone (Penrith)

Continued Dispensing

Continued Dispensing is the supply of an eligible medicine to a person by an approved pharmacist, where there is an immediate need for the medicine, but where it is not practicable to obtain a valid PBS prescription - like in the event of a disaster. The previous dispensing arrangements and medication list have been superseded by a list of medications agreed on by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee, which is available on the PBS website.

Cold Chain Management

There is an increased risk of cold chain management breaches during flooding and storm events due to power failures. Practices should ensure that their cold chain management procedures are in place in case. All immunisation providers must have an up-to-date cold chain protocol to support staff in the event of a breach. 

People affected by Bushfire

Psychological Therapy Services available to anyone in our region experiencing high levels of distress resulting from the previous bushfires.